Evaluasi Efektivitas Berbagai Pupuk NPK terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Tembakau (Nicotiana tabacum)
Nitrate, Soil, Tobacco, Nutrients.Abstract
Tobacco is one of the commodities that has an important role in the economy in Indonesia, which can contribute to state revenues through foreign exchange, excise and farmers' own income. Good physical environmental conditions (soil and climate) as well as good tobacco varieties and adequate nutrition are able to produce good quality tobacco of course at a high price. This study aims to determine the type of fertilizer that contains the best nitrate in affecting the growth of tobacco plants. In this study using basic fertilizer in the form of petroganic fertilizer 1000 kg / Ha and the provision of supplementary fertilizer is done by using various types of NPK fertilizer according to the treatment given. This experiment used a Randomized Group Design (RGD) with 9 treatments of various types of NPK fertilizers used and 3 replications. The result of this study is the application of NPK C fertilizer to tobacco plants can increase plant height, number of leaves at a dose of 450 kg/ha. This can occur because the fertilizer contains Mg nutrients that function to help the vegetative growth process of plants, so the recommendation for fertilizing tobacco under these conditions is the application of NPK C fertilizer.