Manajemen Tenaga Kerja Panen Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) di PT. Tanjung Buyu Perkasa Plantation
Management, Human resources, Productivity, Labor, Plantation.Abstract
Human Resource Management (HRM) is part of management that must be managed. Resource management focuses more on discussing the regulation of the role of humans in realizing optimal goals, the arrangement includes planning, organizing, directing, controlling, procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance, and discipline of the workforce to help realize the goals of the company, employees, and society. Human resources play an important and dominant role in management, because management itself is a function related to realizing certain results through the activities of people. Human resources are the main element in the plantation compared to other elements such as capital, technology, and money because humans themselves control the others. This research method uses descriptive analysis with the aim of making a systematic description of the facts that occur in the field. Harvest labor management at PT Tanjung Buyu Perkasa Plantation has been carried out well in accordance with the operational management function, starting from labor procurement to labor productivity. Harvest labor productivity at PT Tanjung Buyu Perkasa Plantation has met the basis/target set by the company every month, which is 2,010 Janjang/HK.