Analisis SWOT untuk Menentukan Strategi Distribusi Produk pada UMKM Agen Ayam Pedaging
Strategy of distribution, Distribution of broiler chicken, SWOT Analysis.Abstract
This study discusses the determination of the distribution strategy of broiler chicken product in an MSME unit located in Bengkulu Province. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether the product distribution method used so far is optimal or not. The study was conducted at an MSME unit Broiler Chicken Agent located in Bengkulu City, Bengkulu Province. The variables used are delivery weight, reject weight, reject losses, delivery cost and delivery distance. The data needed in this study are data on the number of suppliers, the number of customers, the distance from the supplier to the customer, the number of products distributed, delivery cost, the purchase price and selling price of the product, and the number of reject product. The data collection methods used are observation, interview and document searches. The data processing method used is SWOT Analysis. The discussion method used is a quantitative and qualitative descriptive approach. The result of the study indicate that the distribution strategy applied so far is not optimal, so a new strategy is formulated through SWOT Analysis. There are five strategies obtained, ie finding the closest supplier to the distribution area, moving the transit warehouse to an area closer to the distribution area, making a chicken coop as a temporary shelter before distribution, determining a more efficient distribution route, and providing training to employees on how to select chicken quality.